interior designers
- n.室内设计师
- interior designer的复数

Interior designers spend their working lives keeping up to date with the latest trends
Does assisted living really mark a great improvement over a nursing home , or has the industry simply hired better interior designers ?
The Explore in Improvement of Chinese Interior Designers ' Quality Nowadays
About the Education of Interior Designers in Australia
Come on , Interior Designers in Ningbo
Kitchen and bath designers and interior designers have different perspectives of kitchen and bath space .
Interior designers have become important partly because of the many functions that might be46 in a single large building .
The function choice and aesthetic features of floor board are recommended in the following article to give reference to interior designers .
The " future ideas " group includes sociologists , interior designers , graphic designers and other cultural experts .
I 'll know we 've cleared the hurdles when I can bring in the interior designers !
Reports on Salon of Nanjing Interior Designers
The terrible threat of unlicensed interior designers
Recent years , more and more interior designers wake up to inherit local interior design is so important that many example interior design had appeared .
Matching and introduction to the right International Naval Architects and Interior Designers who are willing and capable of accomplishing your needs .
Interior designers were also on hand to help select finishes , and rental agents were available to discuss the condos as investment properties .
Our Bespoke interior designers can also use embroidery and marquetry to personalise the inside of the car .
The American Society of Interior Designers said it had achieved a 16 percent productivity gain after moving into its Well-certified headquarters in Washington two years ago .
They began swapping with landscape architects , photographers and interior designers , and a network started , one that became the foundation of Behomm .
Nostalgist : Nostalgists are interior designers specializing in recreating memories for retired people .
The current chinese designing situation is that many interior designers are very keen on the repeated games of form changes , they all want to be amazed in designing effect .
M Moser Associates is an international firm of architects and interior designers specializing in designing and fitting out corporate offices for multinational companies .
These modern rugs with their neutral base colors , tone on tone designs and slight trace of color are a hit with interior designers and customers alike .
Many top-end interior designers have long worked on the presumption that their female clients own at least 100 pairs and need sufficient dressing room wall space to store them .
They watch endless TV shows about houses and fancy themselves as interior designers , able to raise the price of their home with a new sofa and artful lighting .
As interior designers , we should pay special attention to advocating and putting into use the concept of eco-friendly design , which as a professional requirement also rides the wave of our time .
The third , Gainsborough silk weaving , specialises in furnishings such as curtains and chair coverings and sells mainly to interior designers .
If Republican majorities cannot pluck up the courage to challenge a cartel of interior designers when Florida 's unemployment rate is more than 10 % , what hope has America ?
Ikea keeps its costs and prices low by enlisting its customers – their time , their cars , their ambitions as interior designers , and their inflated ideas of their carpentry skills .
How to improve the bedroom environment , improve the bedroom air quality , has become a city residents are concerned about , and the current industrial and interior designers have to face and solve the reality of the tough questions .
For architects , interior designers or anyone seeking to buy , build or remodel an apartment in the21st century , this is an invaluable and inspirational sourcebook bursting with practical ideas .